Category: Books

The black rose of Florence

17 February 2020

“Dec 1, 2014 in USA” – Paperback; Sept 9,2014 in Canada A strikingly beautiful young woman is found dead in her Florence apartment. She lies…


17 February 2020

“Sept 28, 2014 in USA” – Paperback; Sept 9,2014 in Canada October, 2001. As Chief Superintendant Michele Ferrara is driving to work through the busy…

The Dark Heart of Florence

17 February 2020

In the summer of 2004 Florence was shocked by the dreadful homicides committed by the serial killer Leonardo Berghoff. With the news of his death,…

Florencka Gra

17 February 2020

Florencja, piękna stolica Toskanii, której zabytki i dzieła sztuki przyciągają miliony turystów, ma też swoje drugie, mroczne oblicze. Komisarz Michele Ferrara, szef wydziału śledczego policji…

Il cuore oscuro di Firenze

17 February 2020

“DAL 19 GIUGNO 2013” Rabbia, vendetta, delirio. Nel buio della sua cella fetida, il serial killer Daniele De Robertis può solo immaginare la propria vita…

The Dark Heart of Florence

17 February 2020

“Jul 18, 2013” In the summer of 2004 Florence was shocked by the dreadful homicides committed by the serial killer Leonardo Berghoff. With the news…

I sogni cattivi di Firenze

17 February 2020

“Dal 9 maggio 2012” – Nelle librerie Gli incubi peggiori nascono dal buio, come flash improvvisi, per spegnersi alle prime luci dell’alba. Alcuni perŚ non…

Schwarze Rosen

17 February 2020

“From Feb. 15th, 2013” – In Germany, Austria, Swiss Der Mord an der schönen Giovanna, einer jungen Frau aus wohlhabenden Kreisen, löst Entsetzen aus: Entblößt…


17 February 2020

“From Jan 20th 2012” in Germany, Austria, Swiss Ein Blutbad in Manhattan: Unter den Toten ist auch Rocco Fedeli, ein italienischer Emigrant, der offenbar ein…